
OCAJP 8 (1Z0-808)


OCPJP 8 Upgrade 7 (1Z0-810)

OCPJP 8 (1Z0-809)

OCPJP 8 Upgrade 6

What is SCJP/OCJP/OCPJP/OCP Java Certification?

The OCP (OCPJP, OCJP, or SCJP) exams are the most famous among the range of Oracle Java Certification exams. They are updated with every new version of Java. The Programmer exam can be useful both for novices in Java and for already experienced engineers, who want to refresh their knowledge. The OCP Programmer certification is also required if you decide to pass any Java EE Certification.

Starting from Java 7, Oracle divided the OCJP exam into two levels - the OCAJP (Associate Programmer) and the OCPJP (Professional Programmer). You cannot take the OCPJP exam without having a certificate in the OCAJP.

The OCAJP exam verifies the basic knowledge of Java language: handling exceptions, working with Java data types, flow controls, principles of the OOP, and so on. The OCPJP certification exam verifies more advanced knowledge of Java language like Java class design, generics, collections, concurrency.

How to become a Sun (Oracle) certified Java Programmer?

If you don't have any previous certification, you should pass the OCAJP 8 and then the OCPJP 8.

If you passed the OCJP 6 or any prior versions of the OCJP, you can choose the OCPJP 8 Upgrade (1Z0-813) certification exam to receive Oracle Certified Professional, Java SE 8 Programmer certificate.

If you passed the OCPJP 7, you can choose the OCPJP 8 Upgrade (1Z0-810) certification exam to receive Oracle Certified Professional, Java SE 8 Programmer certificate.
