Java WS-Addressing: A Comprehensive Guide
About WS-Addressing
WS-Addressing specification gives an interoperable way of communicating between senders and receivers by providing a transport-neutral mechanism to address Web services and messages.
Primary concepts of WS-Addressing:
- Endpoint References give a mechanism to encapsulate information about endpoints. Endpoint references can be propagated to other parties and then used to target the Web service endpoint they represent.
- Message addressing properties (MAPs) are a set of well-defined WS-Addressing properties that can be represented as elements in SOAP headers and provide a standard way of conveying information, such as the endpoint to which to direct message replies or information about the relationship that the message has with other messages.
To enable WS-Addressing to configure policy sets or use annotations in code.
Next tasks can be performed by using JAX-WS 2.1 annotations and feature classes:
- It is possible to enable WS-Addressing on the server or the client.
- Have more control over the behavior of WS-Addressing when using policy sets.
- Specify whether WS-Addressing is enabled and whether to use synchronous or asynchronous messaging patterns.
- Specify actions to be associated with a Web service operation or fault response.
Example of Using @Addressing with @Action.
@Addressing(enabled = true, required = true)
public class ExamWS {
@WebMethod(operationName = "addExam")
public String addExam(@WebParam(name = "name1") String name1, @WebParam(name = "name2") String name2) {
return name1 + name2;

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